For 91 Days in Istanbul – The E-Book

One of the world’s most historic and fascinating cities, Istanbul was our home for three incredible months. We explored the city’s museums, neighborhoods, markets, and were introduced to a lot of wonderful culture, food and interesting history. Perhaps the world’s most diverse metropolis, Istanbul has it all, and we made a concentrated effort to see as much as possible.

We’ve now collected our blog into an e-book for your Kindle, Nook or other e-reader. With over 100 articles and 230 full-color photos, and indexes organized alphabetically and by category, this portable edition is perfect for when you’re out and about in the city. We had a lot of wonderful adventures in Istanbul, and hope that our experiences help enrich your own.

For just a few bucks, you can download your own copy of the book for use on your e-reader or computer, giving you access to our articles wherever you are, without having to connect to the internet. And, buying the e-book is a great way to support our project… take a look at some sample pages from the PDF.

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Katie

    Hey thereI am going to Istanbul for a month and I really like your idea of spending 91 days in the city. I have been to Istanbul twice last year but never for so long. You are giving me some good ideas about places worth visit.Hope you are having a great time in Valencia

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