For 91 Days in Istanbul

Adventures, anecdotes and advice from three months exploring Istanbul

For 91 Days we lived in Istanbul, one the world’s great cultural melting pots. With one foot in Asia and the other in Europe, this city was destined to play a starring role in the history of civilization, and we learned a ton while here. We also ate a ton of exquisite Turkish cuisine, visited museums and mosques, explored the markets and so much more.
Whether you're planning your own journey to Istanbul, or just interested in seeing what makes it such a special city, our articles and photographs should help you out.

The Jewish Museum and Kamondo Steps

Under the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul was one of the world's great ethnic smorgasbords. Greek, Armenian, Albanian and Turk all got along relatively well and lived peaceably, if not equally, under Ottoman law. So it shouldn't be surprising to learn that Jews fleeing persecution in Europe found a permanent home here, and have long been part of the city's cultural fabric.

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Found at the northern end of the Galata Bridge, the rough and tumble neighborhood of Karaköy is mainly visited for the purpose of transiting to other, more desirable areas. But with some nice spots to eat and a boisterous local atmosphere, there's good reason to spend a little time here.

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Gezi Park – After the Storm

Following a wild weekend of protests, we ventured up to Gezi Park on Sunday to see how things were going. The police had pulled out, leaving Taksim Square wholly in the hands of the people. Thousands had gathered around the square, and a festive atmosphere had settled in. We saw hundreds of volunteers cleaning up the trash and broken glass which had accumulated over the weekend, and others, less civic-minded, posing in front of vandalized, flipped-over cars.

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The Gezi Park Protests in Istanbul

I was at my desk in Cihangir, trying to write about the Yeni Camii, while outside the dueling sounds of chanting and tear gas cannons were clamoring for my attention. When, just outside your window, tens of thousands of people are clashing with police in a protest that was making headlines around the world, it's a little hard to concentrate on anything else.

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Mant More Manti!

Manti are best understood as Turkish tortellini. There's very little to distinguish them from their more famous Italian cousins. Pockets of dough stuffed with meat, potato, cheese, spinach, or anything else, this delicious Turkish staple immediately won a place in our hearts.

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