Istanbul Street Scenes

Art can be found everywhere on the streets of Istanbul. I’m not just talking about graffiti, although there is a lot of that, but the art of architecture, movement, and humanity. Everyday scenes of the city, framed by a minaret or the Bosphorus, changed by the play of shadows, or lightened with a bit of urban humor. Istanbul can be both strikingly beautiful and thought-provoking, simultaneously… just like any great piece of art.
–Great Apartments For Rent In Istanbul

The yellow building with the art work all over it is pretty impressive!
The mannequin cracks me up with its oh-so-realistic approach to honest marketing, and the photos of the graffiti remind me of different flavors of Banksy-esque creativity. I love the way you see your surroundings. I hope all is well!
Hi Friends,I follow your travel in Istanbul and i can see you and your photographs in details of Istanbul. Daily life and non-well-known places. I remember my spend time there and i can see so much changes of Istanbul within a year…
You aptly captured many things in my neighborhood of Galata + Karakoy. One being my crazy street of Sair Ziya Pasa, formerly known as the Jewish Slope, and my favorite; the Just Wrong mannequin depicting the ‘hairy Turk heading to the Hammam’ I walk by that every and just shake my head in disbelief. Thank you for your ardent your efforts in capturing our lives here is this magical, maddening and most definitely mesmerizing city.